
Bamboolego is an architectural design project in the Flat Pak Architecture theme group of the DAB 810 Architectural Design Unit at the Queensland University of Technology. Bamboolego  attempts to propose an assembly system that will allow users to create and alter their own physical environment using local building materials.

In this particular case, the proposal responds to the Lulik Foundation Community Centre project brief in Dili, East Timor.

Bamboo is an abundant material in the local area of Dili and will be the primary construction materials for this project. The connections and joints and other minor elements will be manufactured out of other materials and be transported to the site of the project. The assembly system is intended to be as simple as possible so that users may be able to assemble structures without any substantial heavy machinery or complex tools, almost like LEGO!

By using a local material, the proposal seeks to minimise transportation, maintenance issues and instill a sense of ownership in the resulting structure. What is proposed here is only suggestion and demonstration of what might occur on the site in response to the requirements outlined by the owner of the site. However, ultimately the occupants of the site will determine for themselves how they wish to use the system. This indeterminacy of potential form is central to the rationale of this project. It is believed that it is the users who understand best exactly how they need their physical environment to support their lives. An environment that is able to accommodate and adapt to this will be the most sustainable environment.

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